Nutrisystem Now

One of the most successful and enduring diet delivery companies to stay on top for several decades is Nutrisystem now.

They have certainly gone from strength to strength over the years, helping folks to lose weight in the easiest manner possible and for a fair cost for their trouble.

nutrisystem jillian reynoldsSo what has this amazing diet company been doing to update itself and provide its customers with the best they can off yet?

This article takes a look at what's new for this year and why you might want to be very interested in starting your weight loss diet with Nutrisystem this year.

Change of Spokesperson?

Here's a short recent history lesson of how things were going with the celebrity heading up the promotions for the year.

Well, if you have been living in a remote jungle for the last few years you probably didn't hear about their very high profile celebrity spokesperson of 2012, Janet Jackson, being toned down a notch or two the following year.

She made her presence felt in the media limelight at the beginning of last year as she endorsed Nutrisystem and its weight loss diets. But where did she go when 2013 came around and who replaced her?

Marie Osmond was the long-standing celebrity face of Nutrisystem in many advertisements both on TV and in the press. Others have come and gone, but this year, she's as prominent as ever.

For people who need a quick and convenient way to shed those unwanted excess pounds, the company decided on returning to their previous strategy of promoting successful dieters. One of them to feature in the start of year 40% off bonus deal is another of their own success stories in Jillian Reynolds.

In fact, their special brand of diet food delivery (click here for more details) is the best it has ever been, with chef inspired entrees added to the already upgraded diet menu that also includes thirty percent of fresh frozen meals with every regular plan.

Stronger Menu

Last year they added a protein shake to the daily menu as an additional extra and not as a replacement for any of the meals. This trend continues this year, which is good news for dieters who like to eat a real meal and use any additional extras as between meal fillers. The menu continues to be refined and improved with more great meals finding their way onto the list.

Uniquely Yours

The top plan that comprised fresh frozen meals and desserts and even ice cream used to be called Select, but has since changed its branding to "Uniquely Yours.

The menu is similar albeit upgraded with some new meal options added, but it's still the best on offer if you like good tasting food that doesn't all come in packets.

If that wasn't enough, in 2018 the range is extended to inclide a fourth plan called "Uniquely Yours Plus. This is the top plan with added benefits like great protein shakes and low calorie snacks to make a great product even better!

Moving into This Year

As this year draws to a close and a new one is about to begin, there are some great changes happening already that you can take advantage of right now. The biggest is the brand change from Turbo 13 to FreshStart.

Here's a handy video that explains what's changing going forward:

There's also an even better plan called Uniquely Your Plus that takes the lower plan and ads some great features. You'll need to visit the official Nutrisystem website to see all the details (and you should)!

If dieting convenience is your main priority when it comes to your own weight loss needs, then this dieting program certainly fills that need with a selection of great diets that are so easy to use and so time saving that you might wonder why anyone would want to diet any other way! Well, that's not entirely fair on other diets, but if you don't have the time or inclination to cook your own special diet meals, than your best option has to be the Nutrisystem diet plan that best suits your own personal needs.

Losing weight is a tough enough thing to have to do, so its great to know that there is an easy solution in this well known and much loved American diet brand that is more popular than ever and will continue to help thousands of people to lose weight every week!